Mail-Order Orthodontics: Key To Affordable Perfect Smiles?

Over these past few years, there’s been an observable trend towards people investing in mail-order orthodontics like braces and aligner kits. Numerous pressures drive this change, including cost, convenience, and avoiding the COVID virus. Social media often demonstrates the effectiveness of these kits, but the truth about the risks often gets buried. While they can be successful for many patients, they aren’t a cure-all. If you’re considering investing in mail-order orthodontics, you must keep reading. We’re going to reveal the risks associated with this increasingly popular form of orthodontic treatment.

Mail-Order Orthodontics: Key To Affordable Perfect Smiles?

You may not find it all that surprising to learn that moving your teeth into alignment is a rather complicated affair. During the process, not only are your teeth being adjusted into their final position, but your bone structure is being altered as well. Being able to do this without causing lasting complications requires significant skill. Even taking a dental mold requires comprehensive knowledge of the process. Failing to have this knowledge can result in an incorrect mold, which mail-in orthodontics base your treatment on.

The benefits of working closely with your dentist in person are many. The first is direct interaction with your care provider and the personal interest that provides. They have a persistent interest in your lasting oral health. This means that achieving a perfect smile can be done reliably, safely, and without danger to your oral health. Working with a third-party mail-in orthodontic provider won’t provide this degree of safety or consistency for the following reasons:

  • No Personal Contact – Your dentist does more than just ensure that your teeth are straightened properly. Their specialty covers a range of health concerns and the knowledge to determine if the orthodontic treatment is safe. If a pre-existing condition is present that could cause complications with orthodontic treatment, the mail-in orthodontists won’t know.
  • No Oversight – At multiple stages throughout a traditional orthodontic treatment, you’ll visit your orthodontist. At these visits, they’ll check on the progress you’re making and look for deviations from the plan. Sometimes the teeth move faster than anticipated; other times, they’ll move slower. In other cases, they may move in unexpected ways. Each of these requires an adjustment of your treatment. Without these regular visits, these changes can go unnoticed.
  • Aligners Can’t Do It All – Aligners can’t cure every orthodontic concern. They aren’t effective for all patients, and they aren’t the right answer for treating every case. You may be informed of this by your mail-in provider based on your impressions, but there’s no guarantee of this fact.

There’s one vital thing to keep in mind when reading good reviews. While they may be completely honest, they are also promoted out of proportion with the bad reviews. There are countless reviews of those who tried mail-in orthodontics and had negative experiences. Ineffective treatments, teeth that look worse afterward, and other complications aren’t uncommon with mail-in orthodontics.

The Savings May Be Temporary If Things Go Wrong

It can be very frustrating when your adjustment didn’t go how you hoped with mail-in orthodontics. Worse than merely not turning out how you hoped, you may need additional treatments. This means that your initial savings have now become a greater expense. Speak to your orthodontist if you’re considering using mail-in orthodontics. They can serve as a good guide and ensure you’re getting the treatment you need, often by providing it themselves.

Dr. Victor Bustos, DMD

Dr. Victor Bustos, DMD
3D Dentistry is led by Dr. Victor Bustos, a committed dentist who discovered a passion for dentistry at a young age. Since graduating from Florida International University, he brings his love of his craft to his patients, ensuring they are as satisfied with the results as he is with providing them.

Dr. Victor Bustos, DMD

Dr. Victor Bustos, DMD
3D Dentistry is led by Dr. Victor Bustos, a committed dentist who discovered a passion for dentistry at a young age. Since graduating from Florida International University, he brings his love of his craft to his patients, ensuring they are as satisfied with the results as he is with providing them.

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