3D Dentistry is committed to providing the community the best dental care possible in a private practice setting.  That also includes making sure our patients are well-educated and informed. We treat our patients like family and are confident we will exceed your expectations. We are currently setting up our blogs – please check again soon!

Common Flossing Mistakes

Common Flossing Mistakes

Flossing is an important part of your daily dental hygiene routine and it is recommended that you floss at least once a day. However, just

First Aid Kit With Tooth

Dental First Aid Tips

Conversations about first aid and first aid training come up all the time, but one element of first aid that’s often overlooked is that which

Dentist inspecting patients mouth

Connection Between Oral And Overall Health

Throughout history a mouth that is, or appears, unhealthy had a social stigma attached suggesting that the person themselves were wholly unhealthy. While the association

5 Things That Cause Cavities

5 Things That Can Cause Cavities

Tooth decay is not only one of the most common dental problems, but according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, it is

Gummy Smile

If you’ve ever gazed in the mirror and seen a smile that has a lot of gum showing, or teeth that seemed just a little