“Peg laterals” are a condition that affects the upper incisors on either side. The teeth are small and can sometimes form a point compared to regular, rectangular teeth. This condition can affect either side or both sides of the mouth. Sometimes, this happens because the teeth didn’t grow correctly, leaving them smaller than the others. Due to their shape, they were called “peg” laterals. Because they’re positioned in the front of the mouth, they’re visible when someone is speaking or smiling.

What Causes Peg Laterals and How do I Treat Them?

The laterals affected by this condition are between the primary incisors and the canine teeth. The teeth affected are noticeable because they’re front and center in the mouth, the affected teeth are noticeable. For many people, this is an uncomfortable situation.

How are peg laterals caused, though? There are many contributing factors. And that doesn’t make them easy to deal with. Peg laterals are commonly caused by: 

Adult teeth may never grow in some cases. Consequently, the “baby” teeth keep occupying the adult teeth, making the teeth appear exceptionally small compared to other, more prominent teeth.

Cosmetic treatments are available for this condition. It’s usually regarded as inessential. In this regard, many insurance companies will not cover the procedure. But, even if this procedure is purely cosmetic, having the procedure done can boost a person’s confidence. 

What Are my Treatment Options:

Veneers – Veneers are shells that snap over the teeth to correct imperfections. Veneers are noninvasive, not requiring the teeth to be pulled or drilled into. Veneers can fix the appearance of peg laterals and many other cosmetic imperfections.

Speaking to Your Dentist About a Treatment Plan 

Peg laterals aren’t dangerous. That doesn’t mean they’re not unpleasant. Insurance companies might not deem treatments as “necessary,” but having a great smile boosts self-confidence. Your dentist is the best person to consult with when looking into treatments. Veneers, crowns, or peg lateral bondings might seem daunting, but your dentist can answer any questions. They’ll be able to explain each procedure and help you determine what is best for you. In some cases, treating peg laterals can treat other cosmetic imperfections simultaneously and boost your confidence even more.

Ultimately, your dentist has all the information you’ll need. Discussing options with your dentist is the best approach to peg lateral treatments.